Thursday, January 13, 2011


I have been traveling over other blogs lately.  I haven't spent a lot of time doing that but for the minimal time I have spent on my laptop there has been a small portion of my time going to reading others peoples posts.
I don't think I have yet to figure it out.  I went to a blog of note and couldn't for the life of me figure out how or why it had over 600 followers.  It wasn't in the least bit something I would follow or even be interested in.  Maybe that person just had that many friends or had networked so well they managed to capture something I was terribly missing.  I read some others and knew I needed to stop trying to figure it out.
It was beginning to get reminiscent of the feeling I had when I was on vacation for a week and made the mistake of thinking I could spend some time watching T.V.  I ending up watching too many episodes of Hoarders: Buried Alive.  I realized I was only watching because I thought I might be able to get the beginnings of why or what makes people do that?  I was looking to understand how they could let their homes become a storage space and then when there was no longer even a path to walk, when they were literally climbing over things, they couldn't part with a single thing to make it better.  I am still confused.  Why are the possessions so important, even simple things like a receipt or an empty cellophane bag, that they have to be kept to the point of filling every space?
But then, these are things that don't really affect me directly so should I even give it another thought.  Yet I keep trying to understand.
As far as the blogs, I think I am still trying to figure it out.  I know what this one is to me but then I feel like I should be conforming to the blog norm.  If I could only figure out what that is.  Do I really think there is something that I am terribly missing?  In my own way, am I just trying to fill up the space?  Maybe, like I realized when I was watching those shows, that I should just turn off the T.V. Is there really anything I need to understand?  Maybe there isn't a comparison with other blogs that I should be trying to make.  Or is there?
It gets confusing.


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