Sunday, February 28, 2010


I have been checking the weather far too often. I am not exactly sure what I am expecting to see by going back so often to view the same information I got the last time I checked. I think I am hoping for higher temperatures. I know I am hoping for that but here's the deal...I can't control it by looking...I can't control it at all. So leave it, girl. It is what it is.
I must have things pretty dang good if all I have to worry about is the weather. I could weave a nest of problems if I really wanted to. It would be easy for me to boo-hoo, whoa-is-me, hand me that crying towel while I work up some creative way to bring myself down scenario. Oh, come on, you know I could do it!
Let's face and Jay were actually unsure about this trip. With all the things that have been going on we weren't sure it was the best time financially to take this trip. Then we booked a four star hotel and we are just po' folk and we will be hanging with all these European sophisticates.
Well, it’s utterly ridiculous since the trip is all-inclusive and has been paid in full for over a month. The hotel is absolutely fabulous with everything we could possibly need right there at the resort including spa, gym, pool, beach, trails…and all those European sophisticates that I am sure I will be talking to at some point during the stay.
I just don’t know how to take a vacation. It takes me so long to try to sit still long enough to decompress. And I could come up with a whirlwind of scenarios but that’s something that I will need to put on hold until later or never. I will be carrying a packet of index cards just in case.
And yes, I will probably check the weather one last time.


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