Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Print job

I made hardcopies of my blog for this year (2010).  I will need to go back and do the same for last year but that will be an undertaking and I will probably need to go out and buy more ink for my printer.  I don't have any copies of this blog except here on blogspot and I have so many posts I thought I should have something.  There are a smattering of posts that I consider fair.
It is easier for me to see what I've done when I have something more tangible in hand.  That seems to be hardcopies in this case but a USB flashdrive would work as well or better in some cases.  I would prefer that but I would have to copy and save the blog into documents to do it that way.  I don't know of another way.
My biggest problem is that I seem to have so many posts in the amount of time I have been doing this.  I have viewed links to many other blogs and the sheer numbers I have seems to be considerable in comparison.
I'm not sure what that means?  My first impression is that I am doing this too often.  The next thing I think is they are not doing it enough.  Then I think I don't understand what anyone else is doing so how do I know what I am doing if I am using them as a comparison?
It has gotten confusing again when I try to research this and try to figure it out.
No matter...less thought, more doing.  I will tackle the project of printing last year a piece at a time and maybe even flashdriving documents one by one as I go.  
Once I am caught up it will be simpler to do a few at a time.  Why I think it's necessary to have copies of all this I'm not sure.
I think it's because there are a smattering of posts that I consider fair.


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