Friday, February 5, 2010

Sunshine wanted

I mentioned earlier how I had been reading.  I am bringing it up again since I know I caught myself stealing time away just to read.  I stole time away from the gym in order to read.  I have to be careful when I do things like that.  I can manage to fool myself I am doing things for one reason when I have another I just don't want to tell anyone and try to fool myself.
I skipped two days from the gym and came directly home to read.  Granted, one day was a scheduled rest day but the other was just a horribly rainy, cold day and I used it as an excuse.  It was actually more than one horribly rainy, cold day but I forgave a few.  I will not reach my mile total this week because of it and all I have to show is...well all I have to show for it is another book finished. 
I started this particular book on Wednesday night (after just finishing another) and completed it at about 9:30pm last night - Thursday.  And yes, I've started another but only barely. 
So I used the weather as an excuse to burrow away and read when I should have stuck to my running schedule.  And then the writing...
The sun better come out soon or total hibernation might not be that far out of the picture.


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