Monday, February 22, 2010

Still first

I went to the site to check on my bowling league. No, I am not on a league but I have oddest link to a team of bowlers that work for a different company a million miles away. I was even given their logo’d shirt and I keep up with their status by way of their website.
I wasn’t sure if the most recent week’s stats were up but I checked and it looked like they were still in first place or maybe tied for first. It is hard for me to read the numbers when they are that close. They looked very close to me although the teams name on top was the one I wanted to be on top. I will go with that as far as saying they are still in first.
But it’s close. I’ve watched how they have powered themselves into that position. Once they had achieved it, I have watched them add the numbers that kept them there. It only seems that by pure force of gravity it would begin to pull slightly downward again at this point. It seems it would be the natural way of things it would take a slight downturn when the fight to the top has been so close.
It is also the way of mind and skill to keep the spot most coveted. I know, I am talking about a bowling team I have never actually seen a ball hit a pin. A team I haven’t met the majority of the players. Yet there is definitely a link when I am included on their email threads and have been acknowledged for edibles sent when they first hit the coveted top spot.
I have been called unusual. I guess this is just one way I have proved that to be true.


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