Monday, February 15, 2010

All what?

It seems to be getting late in the day. I took two vacation days linked with today's holiday so I have been off for four days now and will have another day off tomorrow. It seems my normal routines have been ousted.
I can only say there are positive things about ousting normal routines every now and again. I needed the time off. Better yet, I needed some consistent time off and not the normal one day kind of time off I usually opt for. It has given me some time to laze around and not have to be anywhere at any given time. It has given me the option to NOT decide to do something until I decide to do it.
Here is exact proof. I didn’t think I was coming up here to write at this moment and yet I thought…oh, it’s almost 1:00 pm. I hadn’t realized the time. That’s a good thing for me. I am always aware of how much time I have spent on something and what else I can fit in to do before the day gets away from me. It doesn’t seem to have worked out that way today and the best part is that I’m not terribly concerned about it when normally I might be.
I guess if I had to tally up the things I’ve done today I could count balancing the checkbook, cleaning the kitchen, taking packages to be shipped.
I guess I can add this post to the list although this is a rather blah posting. Okay, it’s not exactly blah but it is in keeping with the atmosphere of a non-eventful blasé ousting of routine.
Wow, that sounds like I was working really hard at something. Who knew I was working to create this carefree environment in order to expel my customary habits.
Sure why not? That sounds good. That sounds like I’m really accomplishing something. Who knew I was doing all that?
Now, where did I leave my book…


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