Sunday, February 7, 2010

Thicker than water

My day didn't exactly turn out the way I thought it might. That isn't always a bad thing and it wouldn't be interesting if the unexpected didn't happen every now and again. I thought I would have my day pretty much open to do priority things like running and writing. I didn't have a time frame and was just looking for an easy, breezy day when even this post would have been done sooner in the normal course of things.
But again I find myself posting at a later time than my norm but unlike yesterday, today was different.
I got a call about 11:00 am from Jay's sister asking if I could take her daughter, my niece, to the hospital. Jay's sister and her family are the only other relatives we have here in town since moving away from "back home." Jewel, my niece, is now almost 25, just a few months older than my son, Dante. Well, of course, I could take her, is she alright? She only needed to follow-up with a procedure she had done on Wednesday but somehow their transportation had evaporated.
I picked her up and took her. She had this crazy idea I was going to drop her off and leave her there. No, Jewel, I am dropping you off here and will park and meet you inside which is what I did.
When I got inside and asked about my niece, the nurse took me to the space she was waiting. The nurse proceeded to announce to my niece how her favorite Tía had arrived.
I didn't know exactly how that would go over. Jewel has six other blood-related Aunt's with me being the only Aunt by marriage. I shouldn’t have worried. I could tell by the smile Jewel gave me in answer that my concern was for naught.
So with the wait time and all things getting done to satisfaction I am just now home and able to sit and put a few words to paper. It was an unexpected afternoon where things had to be put aside. It was good to have the time with my niece. It could have been under better circumstances but it wasn't bad and I was there and able to do it. I was glad they asked me and I was glad to spend the time with my niece under any circumstances.
The idea for the post I had for today can wait. Today wasn’t the norm and that was a good thing.
Besides, I wouldn’t trade the smile I got from her for all the easy, breezy afternoons stacked to the moon.


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