Friday, February 12, 2010

With a little work

When I opened my dashboard this morning my blog told me this was my 299th post. I guess I should have waited until it was 300 to mention it but I was a little surprised. I have a fascination for stats and this is another fascinating thing that happens to apply to me.
I remember being thoroughly excited when I was coming up on 100 posts. I couldn't believe I had reached that many and never expected to. I thought it warranted a celebration with cake!
Everyone gave me crooked side-ways glances and raised eyebrows. I was told no. No cake for a mere 100 posts...maybe after 500 posts. I was told a cupcake would be more in line for 100 posts. A cupcake.
Well, I skipped the cupcake at 100 posts and opened a bottle of wine instead. Nobody said anything until my lips turned purple and told me I had enough. I had enough wine but obviously not enough posts.
I've kept at it. I've kept posting. I've tried to give it up and I keep coming back. I went back and re-read my entry from 7/29/09 and found some things that are good to remind myself of.
I was using the blog as a tool to write because I knew if I committed myself to do it I would. I’ve always said I didn’t mind who read it, and I don’t (even the insanity), so it was more of a way for me to trick myself into doing something in a small way to get started on something I have been very much wanting to do.
It seems I've tricked myself fairly well to have reached this many. It will be a long while until I reach 500 and there are times I just know I won't reach it. Then there are other days when I can't write down the thoughts fast enough.
I won't be celebrating 300 posts with a cupcake. I won't be looking for a reward. I am hoping to carve more time out to write.
This has never stopped being a tool for me and it must be working somehow since it seems to have become a discipline. The numbers are great and I am excited but they don’t reflect the rest of what all of this means to me.
I didn't have a clue when I started and I still can't get the entire grasp of what...what?! it is all about...but something is working, I think.
And that's what it seems to take.  A little work.


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