Friday, February 5, 2010

Plans no plans

Getting through work today will mean I have another of my weekends I look so forward to. The weather might straighten itself out enough for me to see some glimmer of sunshine peeking out of the rain clouds that have filled the length of the past few days. I won’t reiterate the way the cold has such a grippingly ill effect on me.
I can even look forward to next week since I am forced to take some days away from work in order to keep my vacation accounting in order. I knew I had hit the accumulation maximum again on that plane and in order to keep things balanced I knew the necessity of taking two days off.
I thought since I had to take them I should make the best of it and I decided to take the days surrounding an already acclaimed holiday. I thought next Friday and the following Tuesday would work fine. Then I will have a consecutive five days away since Monday, Feb 15th is a holiday.
I haven’t made plans and don’t know that I will until I decide or not. I did manage to get enrolled in a 5K that will take place on Saturday the 13th. It is an American Lung Association charity event that I have been involved with for – I am going to guess – the past 10 years. The company sponsors participants and I have been team captain many years but not this year. In fact, I wasn’t sure I would participate but I put my name into the hat for a chance at being selected and I was.
It is close to my house, doesn’t start until 10:00 when I’m used to these starting at 8:00 and it is always too cold. I usually run the race and come straight home without waiting for the activities after the event.
But that’s a week or so away and I will think about it later. Today I need to finish off today and then I can grab hold of my weekends I so look forward to.


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