Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Book sale

I sold my bundle of books. I packed up all the books I have read, piled them into a box and sold them back to the bookstore for a few pennies. I don’t keep my books. I read them and send them along their way for someone else to enjoy. I allow myself one small narrow bookshelf in the bedroom for books I have read. Once the shelf is covered with my most recently finished books I take them away. I may pull them and give a few to friends I think might enjoy them but mostly I sell them.
I know I am the outrage of the reading community for doing this. I am told how I should collect at least my hardbacks and how their shelves are full and overflowing of books so good they could never part with them. I have been asked and told continually of how the good books should be kept for re-reading at another time.
I don’t re-read books. Even if they are good, there are so many other good books out there waiting to be read. I know it doesn’t do me any good to hold on to them. I want to read something else, not something I already did.
I don’t have room for all the books I read and I won’t make room. Well, except for my one small narrow bookshelf. I needed to dust that shelf the other day so I sold my bundle of books.
I don’t want to imagine the amount of dusting it would take if I kept all the books I read.


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