Saturday, February 27, 2010


It's not so early now and maybe it's time to write.  I'm not sure but I'm going to give it a go.  It turned out to be a beautiful Saturday.  The weather shaped up quite nicely and the only thing I should have done but didn't, was go out for a run when I realized how gorgeous it was outside.  I lazily opted to sit outside and read instead.
But hey, I hear that is what people do when they are on vacation.  I guess I can say I am officially on vacation right now even though it is the weekend.  Does that mean the vacation doesn't actually start until Monday?  It doesn't really matter.  If I haven't started already I am starting now.  I already have the open beer to prove it.  (Just a slight adjustment from the coffee I had in hand this morning.  Although I still can't type with one hand and I'm sure the more beer the harder it will get.)
The clothes are washed, the kitchen is in order, packing will happen some time tomorrow if I decide what I want to take with me.  I stopped by the bookstore and picked up a couple of paperbacks.  It sure sounds like a vacation should be happening soon.  I might need to get a list going.  I'm surprised I don't have one already started but things are supposed to be at a slower pace right about now, aren't they? 

I'm on vacation.


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