Tuesday, December 1, 2009


First thing, let's get the obvious out of the way. I love my heels. I wear them every day. They are comfortable and comforting and I wear them high. Three to four - (sometimes four and a half) inches are no problem. I wear pointed, peep-toed, ankle strapped, or gladiator.
Sure, yes. I have a problem with being short. But that doesn't take away from the fact of how a heeled shoe makes the line of my leg look. How it lengthens and elongates.
I don't have the money to spring for Manolo Bahnik or Jimmy Choo but I can shop the heck out of a shoe store. Take me there, please. I need a few pairs right now.
The pleasure of a good shoe shopping excursion might have come from the limited type of shoes I was able to purchase at a young age. I had a narrow foot and lived in a small town. Most shoe retailers at the time only had a small selection in my size and my mother refused to allow me to buy a shoe that didn't fit perfectly. That was probably a blessing to have learned that fit was all important at a young age but back then I just wanted a nice shoe. I didn't get many of those.
The standard purchase was a black lace up oxford for everyday since I wore a uniform to school. A dress-up shoe was normally another black, ivory or occasional colored flat.
Later in my teens when jeans became the uniform, I was always in a brown, wood platform sandal shoe with some height. I also remember a pair of black, knee length, lace up boots. I wore those boots to the absolute death (poor boots) because I didn't want to get rid of them. Yes, boots, when I lived in an area where 33 degrees was the coldest day of the year...day, only one day normally.
Now, my heels are my sort-of signature. People don't realize how short I am since they only see me in heels. I know this to be true when I happen to meet them (usually a weekend) wearing ballet flats. They have actually said to me, "you look so cute!" I refuse to wait for them to pat my head or squeeze my cheek. I just think how I will intimidate them when I've got my killer stilettos on the next time around.
Ahhh, shoes.


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