Saturday, December 26, 2009

Holiday pics

I hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday!  It certainly turned out great for all of us.  I have to say we certainly enjoyed our time in the kitchen and yesterday's menu  was a bit of a challenge and a bit more food than most should ever consume in one sitting. 
We managed to keep our portions under control, except for our favorite dishes - and each of us had our own. But we took a break in-between our appetizers and entries.  We actually were anxious to try the next dish as we churned them out.  It was more fun (and work) and the thought even passed through our minds to stop before we accomplished the entire menu. 
We didn't stop...we completed the task and although everyone was overly certainly left smiles on everyones faces for the experience.
I tried to capture as much of the food in snaps so I could share and I've put together this album for you to browse.

Luckily, I have the entire weekend off to get my regular routines back in order.  Since I  probably have gained all the few pounds I dropped since the beginning of this month, I'll have to try out these new items I got yesterday.

New running shoes and tee!



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