I told you I had a lot of thinking to do when it came to the things I want to see about getting done next year!
Yes, just another installment of what I am trying to line up for myself. Actually, I do this to some extent every year. Other people must do it too since there is always talk about New Year resolutions. Isn’t that what everyone does at the end of the year? Don't they think about what they want to do and resolve to do it in the coming year?
I guess it isn't that different for me. I think now is a very good time to assess. Committing myself to prospective things that I want to do should be a good thing, right? I guess.
I have been tumbling this idea of writing around in my head for a while now. I have actually started two stories that never have been completed.
I am making a commitment to finish one complete story this coming year. I don’t know to what extent it will be finished but the entire story will need to be written before the end of next year. If it is a first draft, then it will be a completed first draft. If it is further along, it will still be a completed story.
This is not an easy thing for me to commit to. I have my ways of trying to avoid and deny that it is a possibility that I will even be able to do this.
The fact is I will do it.
I don’t even care if it’s god-awful terrible but it will be complete. No, that isn’t the goal of course, to be god-awful, but even if it is, it will be a completed piece of god-awful.
So there…I’ve said it out loud and can’t pull it back. I am working on my exact plan since I can’t leave it to chance and when I feel like it. It will work itself into a slot after running, showering, dinner, if necessary, or a more concentrated time during my rest days from running.
I can do it and I will.
Let’s just cross our fingers and hope for better than god-awful.
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