Monday, November 30, 2009

Intro to shorts

In the next week I will be introducing what I originally started calling "shorts". I have used this blog as a tool to make myself responsible to write every day. It has worked for me. I feel like I have progressed. There hasn’t been a day that I have not put some amount of words to paper whether you have seen them or not.
But I wanted to find a way to organize my writing. I needed to be able to find a time balance since I can only fit in so much.
My thought was if I wrote shorter posts with a fewer word count on the blog, I could spend more time writing on a separate project. Then I got an idea to start brainstorming about possible subjects that I would plan and write in advance to free up more time. I wanted it to be simple and even include pictures that would give a feel of interest but (honestly) to give the illusion the posts hadn’t gotten shorter.
What originally started out to be a time saver, turned into a fun way of spending a lot more time! I managed to get seven “shorts” together and will start posting them December 1st . They all have one word titles that tell you the subject, which were meant to be routine things I do, have, love.
I don’t know that these have helped save me any time and I haven’t put a single word down on my separate project as of yet, but hopefully the posts starting Tuesday through next Monday will be fun to read.
Hope you enjoy.


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