Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Running plan

I know I want to get myself ready to start the New Year with a running plan. I know I can’t get anything accomplished by waiting until I am ready or when I feel like it. Things don’t just happen or it doesn’t work that way for me. Nothing I want to get done happens if I wait until I feel like it. I have to have some basic, even skeletal, plan in order. I have to do something to put it into motion.
I can even change the plan along the way if it needs adjustments but I have to have something in place. I have to have some (slightly) realistic way of getting close to what I want to do. It doesn’t happen on its own. Nothing worthwhile is ever that easy for me.
If I am going to get back into running I want to give myself some achievable goals so I can work myself into it. I decided to start with 10-12 miles a week and very gradually increase the numbers.
I broke down the miles into a five week plan with running five days a week and two days off.
It goes like this…
Sun   Mon Tues  Wed  Thurs Fri    Sat   Miles
2      rest     2     2.5    2     rest    3    11.5
2      rest     2     2.5    2     rest    3    11.5
3      rest     2     3       2     rest    3    13
3      rest     3     3.5    2     rest    4    15.5
3      rest     3     4       2     rest    4    16
I will need to see how it goes. I am not sure if it is too easy or too challenging.
I also will not allow myself the excuse of not running outside as long as the weather is 50 degrees or higher. I can tolerate that temperature. (Not really but I’ll do it). On days when the weather won’t permit, I will go to the gym. I am eliminating excuses and impromptu decisions by knowing what I need to do and doing it.
Besides…I already started this past Sunday with my first two miles outside and then another 2 miles yesterday. I know the plan said to rest but I knew the weather today was not going to be good so I switched. I will rest today and continue on Wednesday.
My new running shoes I got for Christmas feel great!
And so do I. I’ve gotten a head start on my first goal for next year!


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