Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Holiday rush

I allowed myself to get bogged down today. The one thing I wanted to do was spend some time writing. I had some time early morning before heading into work. I wasn’t sure of my exact topic but I was going to let it flow and see where my thoughts headed. I can sometimes brainstorm an idea by just free-styling words on the page. That works some of the time and sometimes it just turns into nothing, but it’s worth doing since there are times I am able to decipher or pick out one thing that strikes me to zero in on.
So I was set up and ready to go.
You know what they say about the best laid plans. Maybe you don’t but I’ve lost so much time already I can’t go back and research it to make sure I explain it exactly.
I logged in, checked my email and there was a confirmation on a package I had sent. Oh, good news. I went in and looked. They had only sent one of two items I ordered. Why? What happened to the holiday delivery promises and free shipping if they can put all items in as few packages as possible? I was flipping back and forth from email to order status to carrier sites. I was on the verge of dialing their number to talk to one of their representatives.
I realized it was too early in the morning to start a rant about a package. How many of those calls must they get and why would I want to start their day with that? I refrained and tried to take a breath and decided the package(s) would arrive when they arrived.
So I settled in again and started 35-40 minutes later. (Okay – I got distracted and searched for another item while I was thinking about it). I was feeling a bit rushed as I knew time was winding down and away from me. I started a line then copied it so I could paste it into the word document of the day to continue. The document for the day I went to was occupied by another draft I hadn’t finished. Drat! I closed that one and went to the document for the day before. Again! When did I write these drafts and leave them! 
I keep seven word documents available named Monday thru Sunday so I can track draft posts as I am working on them. Obviously, I haven’t been tracking them as well as I should be!
Now I feel a need to take care of my administrative clean-up with my writing instead of the writing! Right…I’ll have time for that two days before Christmas.
Why didn’t they ship both items in one box?


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