Sunday, February 26, 2012

Just go

It's Sunday afternoon 2:35 and the family is expected over at 3:00.  I should be hitting the shower since I took advantage of the time it would take to wait on my washer to finish goint through it's cycle to get a in a quick three miler.  Well, I managed the run, got the laundry in the dryer, but I'm sitting here instead of getting changed.  This will be the second day that I didn't think I would get a run in but did.  Am I racing the month?  I knew I wasn't going to hit the 75 miles for the month I got in January but I have hit the 50 I thought I would for February.  It helps that I just want to get out there.  I'm just wanting to run.  Nevermind I'm cutting it close with company coming over.  Nevermind I have laundry sitting to be done.  Nevermind.  I'm better and happier than if I put it off and wish I had done it but didn't.  But I did.  And you know what?  I'll be ready, the laundry will get done and I'm happy.  54.73 miles this month my counter says.  It's not 75 but it's more than the 50 I had planned and it wouldn't be there if I didn't get up and go.  Don't think, just go.


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