Thursday, February 16, 2012


I found something interesting yesterday when I went to look at my web counter.  Well, yes...part of the interesting part is that there was at least one person that actually viewed my site in the past two months and that was at least twice during that time (two hits ain't bad, right?).  No that wasn't it.  The real interesting part is that somehow, someone from France viewed my site.
I'm always curious about how they might have found my site even though I know it's on the web and that makes it a possibility.  I wonder what they might be looking for and how did they stumble upon this obscure little place?  In any case...someone from France?  Interesting.
It seems they settled onto my recent scenario about Lip Service.  That must have been it.  They were probably trying to figure out what that phrase meant or how it translates.  They were probably trying to do some research on how that phrase came about and if it's used to any extent recently.  I'm sure they had some solid ideas of what they were looking for and happened to pause a moment when they found my small bit of fiction.  They probably realized they wouldn't get the information they needed from my post but read it through anyway just for a break in all their work and hopefully gave it a nod.  In French, of course.  A French nod which is exciting, to me at least.
Of course, that is all in my imagination.  Sure, they probably did a google search and found my piece and glanced through quickly and went on to other things (without the nod)   :( 
But it's more fun for me to think it went the other way.
And like I said it was interesting.  Especially when I followed their link to see how they viewed my page...

 I can't read a word of it but it's looks really interesting in French!


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