Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Can I just run?

I gave myself a rest day from running yesterday.  I managed to get to the gym five consecutive days in a row and was feeling a little creaky and tired yesterday after work.  I thought it was a good day to take off and recharge.  If I was to believe the bathroom scale I had also dropped four pounds but that isn't true, I know, but even a couple is a bit much for such a short time span.  It isn't like I put in a bunch of miles although it is getting tougher to hang in there on a treadmill.  The 21 miles during those five days weren't the easiest to run even with an entire wall of flat screen televisions spread across the walls to divert my attention.  It just isn't the same as outside.
I've been trying to keep my motivation up and running.  I went to my nike+ site to take a look at my progress.  It stores all my runs with distances and times and even calories.  I can sort my results and it offers challenges with other nike+ users.  Anyone can sign up for a described challenge and since the site knows how many miles you have clocked it can set up a leaderboard.  Whenever someone sync's their runs it jumps them up on the board so it's kind of a neat way to see where you are running with the (virtual) pack.  Everyone also is color coded by the miles they have run using the device.  I'm currently blue with another 219 miles to get to the next level of purple.  That means I have run over 1300 miles on the device, using the site. 
What is puzzling to me is that recently I have received two notifications for friend requests from strangers.  This isn't a social network.  You can't talk to each other or send messages and the only reason to set up someone as your friend is so you can view their running summaries.  I'm a little stumped why I got these invites?  I can't imagine that these strangers really care about my running habits but then it is a running site and that would make sense.  The only other identifying thing is the pictures that appears and maybe that's it?  That is when I  thought that maybe I should change the picture I have on the site.  Even I have to say it's a pretty good picture of me which is why I used it in the first place.  But then, maybe Ed30 doesn't realize that TessaT is really 56. 


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