Friday, February 17, 2012

Can you hear it

Rain is drumming down again on this still dark morning.  I heard it as I made my way out of my shadowy room and didn't mistake the sound.  There is a distinct way it falls against the sides of the house when it is coming down.  I really like the rain.  I've always liked it.  I can't see it this morning but I know it's there from the familiar way it makes it's presence known to me. 
There have been other days when the rain came in the middle of the day instead of the edge of morning.  If I am able I will sit in a small spot outside with just enough shelter to keep me dry but still be out close to it.  I watch it coming down.  I see the strips of wet coming from above and travel down to the place they strike and pool.  There is something about the smell when that is happening.  The air turns crisp or clear.  I can breathe it in while it swirls around and sends stray bits of moisture to hit my arms or legs in my confined space where I sit to watch.
It's raining again this morning even though I can't see or feel it.  I hear it there and if I don't get angry at it for taking away my best friend the sun again it can actually be calming. 
I really do like the rain.  I've always liked it.  Listen.


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