Sunday, February 26, 2012

Good book

I just finished reading a really good book.  I found it on my own (well, sort of) which is something I haven't done in a while.  I have friends that suggest books to me that I will almost always give a chance and read.  I've been doing it for longer than I can remember.  I read a lot of books that are a series and I will notoriously find the first in that series and read it from book one to the last.  I think the longest series I have read is one that has 33 books, in which I have read all.  (News update - #34 of that series just came out and I've downloaded it and reading it now).
But this particular book I found all on my own.  I say sort of because there is a friend at work that is always giving me television show suggestions that I should watch.  I don't watch much TV so he is always telling me...I know you will like this one...check it out. Then I don't and he will say I can't believe you're not watching that!  So he suggested I watch a new show called The Finder.  It is about a man that can find things and people and I actually watched a couple of episodes and liked it.  Then I noticed something on the credits.  (Yes, am I the only human left that actually reads credits after shows)?  The show was loosely based on a novel written by Richard Greener about a man that has a reputation of being a locator.  Locater...Finder, Book...TV show.  Some, if not most, of the similarities stop there between the book and the show although the main characters' name is Walter Sherman in both and they both have military backgrounds although Book Walter is Vietman and TV Walter is Iraq.  TV Walter is much younger than Book Walter but separating the two I found them both enjoyable.  Television did a good job of taking the idea and making it work because it really is based loosely on the book and not trying to reproduce it page for page.
I especially liked the book.  Richard Greener did a fine job on his first novel, The Knowland Retribution.  I like the older Walter and all the characters around him and the story weaves itself the way a good story should.  It has it's hard action and driving plot lines.  I liked it a lot.  And no it isn't a soft romantic book.  I may try to write some mush but I don't read it often.  Give me homicide and mystery anyday - actually give me a good story anyday.
After I read the book I wanted to find out more about Greener.  I hadn't heard anything about him and wouldn't have even known about him if I hadn't been paying attention to credits on a television show.  I found out he is in his sixties and retired from a radio station.  He had had heart problems and trouble sleeping so he was more comfortable sitting up and in the middle of the night when the pain would start he would get up.  He decided he would do something since he was sitting up and started writing with no intention of ever publishing.  It was what he did to spend the time until the pain went away.  His son-in-law found the manuscript and sent it out to publishers.  It worked...he got published.  He now has a second Walter Sherman book out called, The Lacey Confession.  What a great story behind his stories!  I wouldn't have known anything about him or the books if I hadn't listened to my friend at work and actually watched (one) of the TV shows he keeps trying to suggest to me.
I have The Lacey Confession in my wish list for next books to read.  I will first need to finish up #34 of the series I just started first.  But if you need a good book...a good read...give Greener a look-see.  It will be worth it.


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