Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Word waiting room

I'm still here. I might have thought after two years I would have said enough to this blogging business. I might have thought I wouldn't still be putting these letters and words together here. And yet here they are again, appearing out of nowhere, from nothing. Until I scratch and delete and send them back to the non-place they were before waiting for someone else to pick a few to use them somewhere, anywhere.
Wouldn't that be an interesting place to be? The place where all the letters and words sat gathered together waiting to be called on to use. The word waiting room.
I imagine it being crowded. Not much room to move or places to sit with all spots being occupied and as soon as one left and made available there would be a rush to sit and fill the place left open. Squeezing into impossibly small spaces and getting frowns and grunts from the words and letters on either side. Those would be the larger, heavier words not used as often as the simpler, slight words that seemed to bounce back and forth, in and out. The ones that seem to multiply and appear in droves to crowd the room further just to be gone again and used as quickly as they came. The larger, heavier words might stay on those bench seats longer waiting and when finally called up they grunt and need to push themselves up to roll out and away from their cushion seat. They heave their pretentious selves up and out, always complaining along the way. Its better they move along before the once hip but no longer called on fad words start to make noise from their secluded corner where they team together reminiscing about how things were when they jumped back and forth from the room. When they were more popular than the short words that are always leaping to and fro. Couldn't they show those lean words a thing or two, why back when they were popular!?
There, of course, would be the solid everyday routine words. They sit and stand quietly interspersed among all the others. Plain and non-descript but solid and good at holding things together when flamboyance wasn't called for. They would have a decent share of mobility but were almost always invisible, not noticed if they were there or gone or when they arrived back.
An interesting place if there ever really was one.  I'd love to spy a while and see the exchanges that go on when things got a little too crowded, a little to stifling, when people decide to stop writing them and deleting them the way they are meant to be used and exchanged.  What would happen to the word waiting room if we didn't use the words?
Silly me.   What a thought!


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