Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I found it all over the kitchen table.  I woke early as usual this morning and saw the arrangement of pantry supplies simply lying there.  I didn't have any idea why they were there except there must have been some reason Jay had put them there on the table were I found them.  I wondered and looked through them.
It was only by mere coincidence that at that moment he got up to get a drink of water.  I am always up early and out the door for work while he stays in and doesn't have to get going until hours later.  So it isn't a usual thing for us to actually see each other in the mornings.  This was not the norm but neither was finding an assortment of items on the kitchen table that belonged in the pantry.
I attempted to ask him why he had taken everything out.  I say attempted since he not only sleeps later than me but he isn't awake when he gets up even if he is walking around.  It takes him a while to fully wake up.  It takes him hours.  Well, it seems like hours to me - maybe it isn't that long.  So it was an attempt when I asked.
"Why did you take these things out of the pantry?"
"They are all expired."
"No, they aren't."
"Yes, they are."
"Why were you checking the expiration date on all this stuff."
"I was looking for a snack last night."
"You were going to eat this stuff?  Cake flour?"
"I was looking for something salty."
"Salty stuff is in the cupboard above."
By this time Jay had already wandered back to bed.  I was surprised he lasted that long and actually conversed. 
I was left in an empty kitchen with expired items.  At least that was what I was made to believe.  I checked a few.  Okay, the cake flour was old and so were the pack of pine nuts.  2009 is expired...for a while, yeah.  The hazelnuts - well, best used by 2/2011...still good...if I use them now, like now.  Cytomax?  really?  I didn't think that expired, ever!  No - 9/2012...didn't think so.  He probably just didn't know what it was.
So a few things got tossed and a few, well are still fine.  I went to put what was still good back into the pantry and all the different chocolate chips were still in their place.  I know those are fine and I guess - so did Jay.  Those were left untouched.
It was an unusal thing to find the various items on the kitchen table, some expired some not.  I would have been having a hard time trying to figure out what message Jay was trying to send me by leaving them there.  I would never have thought he would have gone through them all and cleaned out the pantry.  I would have been thinking all day trying to figure out what he wanted me to make with those ingredients.   I should have known it was random.  I got lucky when he got up for water and I happened to still be there to quiz him about it.  So now I have a cleaned pantry.  At least that particular part of it. 
Maybe I can get Jay to look for another snack in a different cupboard and I'll have the entire pantry cleaned out in no time!


Anonymous said...

This is truly the funniest post ever. Youse Guys!!!!
Tessa you rock as a writer.

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