Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I was sent this picture. 
The words at the top, at first, gave me a good feeling of someone that was willing to stand behind me and support me in whatever I was doing.  That is what I've got your back means, doesn't it?  It means you are there for that person.
Then when I  looked at the picture I realized it was literal.  I was spineless.  I immediately sent a note back saying..."give it back!"
Quite the interesting thing to be sent.  It made me think.  These two poor stick people.  It gave it an entirely different meaning to what I received and I probably thought about it too hard.  It made me wonder if this person found my back somewhere laying around, picked it up and came running to return it to me?  Did they realize I was coming apart and went quickly to find my missing part so I could pull myself together?  That would be in keeping with the idea of someone having my back.  I think.
Or did they take my back when I wasn't aware and left me without a backbone?  Spineless. 
I think my immediate reaction to get it back might have saved me.  I think the element of my surprise and then demand got me all back together again.
Then again, it might only be a cutesy cartoon that no one gave anymore thought about than being a cutesy cartoon drawing of two stick people.
I was sent this picture.  Now all I want to do is draw my back back.


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