Thursday, April 7, 2011

iPod review

I wrote up this nice piece about music.  I wrote how it has always been in my life, how it is something I remember from my childhood and how it is still a constant to this day.  I wrote about my childhood home being filled with music.  I wrote about listening to the music my Mom played on her stereo, my Dad singing and all the instruments my brothers played from banjo, harmonica, bongo, tamborines, six and twelve string guitars and piano.  I can pluck different songs and floating notes from the past.  I can piece together pictures from songs that were played at different times of my life.
I still consume large portions of music most of the time.  The type of music can vary widely and it would be hard to pinpoint a category that could be called my choice of music.  It wouldn't fit into the normal guidelines that separate the different genres of music.  My choices are too varied. It might be dangerous to put my iPod on shuffle because the mix it would produce might give anyone else a headache.
And that brought me to actually abandon my nice piece about music and look at my iPod.  That in itself can be a dangerous thing.  There I go again trying to learn something about myself from an electronic device.  It never seems to end well when I do that.  But I did it anyway.  I picked up my iPod and checked one of my playlists.  I wasn't thinking about the music - I was just scanning the titles.  Here was my first sampling:
Coming Undone, Hopeless, Going Under, Sound of Madness, Cry for Help, Basket Case...
Do I need to go on?  Sounds suspicious, doesn't it?  Are my electronics trying to point something out to me?  (Again)!
So I couldn't leave it at that.  Just because recently I may have a, a, I've had a...downturn in certain titles of songs I went to another list to find some, some, I went to find more positive titles.  Okay, yeah.  Here is what I found:
Merry Happy, Motivation, Love is Free, OK-It's alright with me, Good Enough. 
Ah heck.  Who am I kidding.  My music is my music is my music.  I didn't come up with the titles.  I only know I listen to alot of it and I have for a very long time and I will continue no matter what.  I can't make excuses for the music that might depict any type of insanity on my part or how the positive titles I listen to are only moderately positive.  (Ok is alright?  Good enough? - not exactly getting the highest scores on the positive meter now, are they)?
I guess there might be one title that might capture this entire situation.  Here is it:
Gone to the Dogs.


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