Saturday, January 30, 2010

Running Week Five

I have managed to complete 5 full weeks of running. This whole idea of trying to put myself on some sort of training schedule seems to have given me some motivation to actually do this.
There has been at least two times recently that I found myself tying laces up on my running shoes when my brain hadn't registered that I was going out for a run. And both times I went out and ran. Both times it turned out to be a really good feeling run. I can't even tell you the distances or the speeds. Those things seem immaterial right now. What I remember is that I went out and I felt really good when all was said and done.
I have my stats for this week. It was fewer miles that the previous week but I was trying to do that on purpose. I also only ran 4 days this past week instead of the five days I had done the previous weeks. But then, after I took two consecutive days off I set a personal record and best of 8.25 miles in one run.
Yes, that long run was first thing this morning and I will take it for whatever it’s supposed to mean. I wasn’t setting out to do that, but I did.
Wk 5-1/24/10-1/30/10
Sun-Plan-3 Actual 3.25
Mon-Rest Actual 0
Tues-3 Actual 3
Wed-4 Actual 3
Thur-2 Actual 0
Fri-Rest Actual 0
Sat-4 Actual 8.25
Total-16 Actual 17.5
I can take another look at my plan for the entire month.  I had given myself the task of running 67.5 miles for the first five weeks.  My actuals have totaled 80.5 miles.  I'm not kidding, I added it twice.
Not too bad.  That would put me pretty far out of town.


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