Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day taken

Yesterday was another of those mornings when things were not going as smoothly as they could. I am beginning to average one a week lately, it seems. I barely dragged myself out of bed although I was fine immediately after my feet hit the floor.
I got myself together and wandered on upstairs to put a few words together and my laptop was misbehaving again. It likes to cycle sometimes when booting up and play peek-a-boo with my internet connection. I know from experience that I should bite the bullet and just shut it down completely when it does this and re-start from scratch. Well, again for some crazy reason, I thought I could keep working and not do that. I know better.
It lost connections, I got frustrated, my words weren’t happening and time was dwindling before I had to leave for work. It is astounding the things I will do to myself when I know better.
I finally shut it off and back on again. I got it going properly and was off and running so to speak. But I had cut my available time down to a minimum.
Still, it was only early morning and if I try to keep a bright and sunny outlook I still had time to do more if only later in the day. I did have a few things to do but then it’s just a matter of deciding to do them and then getting them done, right?
Well, it would be great if I could say – yes – I was able to get through the day and got all the things done that needed to be done. That wasn’t the case. I was able to get a ferocious amount of items done at work. I stayed pretty focused and managed to cross many things from my get these done list.
It was more the after hours stuff that didn’t look like it was happening by the time I was able to leave work.
The temperature was good but the chilling wetness had crept into my bones and I was somehow hearing leg muscles talk to me that haven’t said a word in many months. The run was not going to happen for sure but once entering my own front door my brain seemed to want act stupid and silly.
I realized it was going to be a non-productive day. I wasn’t going to get anything of worth done and if I pushed myself I would end up with another day just like it all over again. So I didn’t do.
But hey, that’s okay right?
Why do short work weeks always seem so long?


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