Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Old saying

I was told yesterday that I was, "Una hierba nunca muere."
This took place late yesterday afternoon when I was feeling more than a little low. Somehow I had managed to work up enough mental stress to exhaust myself physically. I could click off at least 6 or 7 (I'm not kidding - that many) bullet points that had gotten me there. I thought I had cleared myself of most of the stress over the weekend but I had managed to let some creep right back into place by yesterday afternoon.
It didn't help that my attitude about the weather was unbearable. No one should feel so uncomfortable with the weather inside a public building. But I did. No one should have to sit on their hands alternating them to keep warm while still trying to work.
But that was only one thing. There were others.
I will spare you all the details. It doesn't matter since they are my mental sufferings and will clear appropriately as I get past them. It was just not such a good day.
My poor attitude must have held the tiniest glimmer of hope when I was told this Mexican saying. With only 6 days left of the first month of this New Year I have managed to juggle more than a few difficult endeavors of my own making while taking care of regular business. It was no wonder I was showing signs of stress when a few more curve balls were thrown in my direction and I thought I needed very badly to field them all myself.
I seem now to have slightly put them back in some kind of perspective so hopefully; hopefully, it won’t be such an issue. I’m too stubborn, tenacious, and persistent to allow these things from stopping me from the things I know I should and want to be doing.
That’s where the saying comes into play.
I was told yesterday that I was a weed that never dies.


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