Monday, September 14, 2009

What's it worth

I thought I would have a blank page yesterday with all the things that seemed to be going on. I didn't have time and when I did I was too tired to put any words down of any worth. I take that back. Their small worth was in the fact that even though I was tired they appeared just the same. I have settled into that nice routine where it feels better when I do a little than when I do nothing. And it really has settled into that. I am not remembering a recent time when I haven’t found and wanted to spend time writing.

To be perfectly honest, when I got up yesterday I was thinking if there was a post at all it would be short. A paragraph at most because I was planning on saying something of the sort that I was taking Sunday off – from writing. I was going to take a quick break from all the words and be okay with letting it rest for the day.

It turned out I was very busy yesterday. But when I was able to steal the few tired minutes away to write, it was worth it to me. And even this morning when I was waiting for the laptop to boot up, I was scribbling notes longhand on chapter two…or two and a half…or where ever I am. It’s somewhere in there. That feels the best.

Small things are worth the most.



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