Saturday, September 5, 2009

The piece fits

I am only writing this now because I know I am getting so excited and worked up about this. I have to breathe this all out in a gush or I won't be able to make heads or tails out of where to start. I have been attempting to get this on paper and I am finding myself going back and forth and so I know organization is going to be key to getting me on track. Breathing normally would go a long way to helping the brain function also at this point.

I had another one of my puzzle pieces fit in my story that I didn't know or maybe only sub-consciously knew wasn't fitting until I got it in the right place. I had another major idea on my story come to me. As you know from my post Pale beginnings, I had made an attempt to start the first chapter of my book. Can I call it that? I keep calling it my major project but that doesn't sound quite right any more. Boy, I am feeling good about this!

I was continuing to plan the opening chapter and knew I would be needing names for some minor characters that needed to be present. I had actually jotted down a few I could use and then at this point I don’t remember where the idea came from. It was a name, a first and last name. Both. That hasn’t happened. You can go back to read In a name from July and it will confirm my difficulties in that department. So this was a really odd occurrence. I, at first, thought the first and last name could be used for a minor character. I had not thought of that for very long when I realized who belonged to the name! I saw her! She was a very strong supporting character that HAD to be there. She gave wardrobe and accessorized an entire section that had only been a color book outline. Okay, simply put, she filled in a huge space that made more sense in the scheme of the book than what I had originally thought might work.

So here I am. It is the reason I need to stop and breathe. I got so excited I came up and started where I left off on chapter one and realized I needed to work out a few details and calm down a bit in order to make sense of what is coming out on the page. So here I am giving you the nonsense writing to spare the chapter. I am giving you the non-calm, crazy writing, so I can spill that out and start calmly and collectedly and organized on the chapter. I will need to print what I have written and write some notes long-hand on that chapter. I predict there will be lots of arrows and notes about the focus and where it starts. I need to make a few decisions on who and what. Deciding how much will need to be adjusted.

What a charge to see that piece fit correctly!



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