Sunday, September 13, 2009

Eat now diet later

I started out this morning with a four mile run. I completed it and felt really good. My problem is now its late afternoon and I don’t feel like I’ve stopped running yet. Our carpenter called and should be back on the job tomorrow. So we picked up some light fixtures, hardware, and the lighted mirror for the upstairs bathroom.

Jay also decided he wanted to try the South Beach Diet and wanted to go out and get the book. I told him he had me do that (and read it for him since he doesn’t read anything except the newspaper) years ago when it first came out. Anyway, he had met up with a good friend of his he hadn’t seen in a long time that has gotten his life together, got off some medications, and lost 70 pounds on this diet. He wanted to try so I will definitely help. And you won’t ever hear me complain about going to the bookstore. We got the book. Came home and decided he wanted to start on Tuesday since he has to fast tomorrow for his Cardiologist appointment on Monday.

We sat and I went through all we would need for the first five days (that will put us through Saturday and then I can look at the next) of the first 14 and toughest days of the diet. Jay tried to say he didn’t want to eat that or this and I told him because of the restrictions and glycemic index he would need to eat everything like it or not to make it work. He agreed…even to the no alcohol, decaf coffee, sugar substitute for the full 14 days. Then we had to go shopping for it all (and no, it wasn’t any more expensive than a regular shopping trip – even if I had done some shopping yesterday). But now we have it ready to go except for the things I’ll need to prep for him Monday night. Jay was excited that it claims you will lose 8 to 12 pounds during the two weeks. I can’t be doing that so I won’t be following the diet exactly except for maybe some of the lunches and all of the dinners.

And now it’s late and I am tired. I think I’m just going to crawl away somewhere and read. Maybe I’ll get a pizza.

It’s not Tuesday yet!



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