Thursday, September 17, 2009

Not attending

I was asked by a good friend yesterday if I would be attending her jewelry party she was having. She had sent me an e-vite and I had put it aside and meant to respond but forgot. I had to tell her I couldn’t bring myself to buy any jewelry still. She understood. She thought I needed to just buy that first piece but she was okay with me not attending because she knew why.

I don’t own any jewelry. I did but it was all stolen. Our home was broken into and they emptied my jewelry boxes and drawer of real and costume jewelry into a pillowcase they stole off a pillow from my bed. All of the jewelry and other things were taken. I came home after work and found the mess they left behind. I was confused on what had happened at first, and then I realized and made a frantic run throughout the house to discover all the things that were no longer in place. I discovered all the things that were gone. I discovered missing things that you would expect like televisions and laptops and some missing things that you wouldn’t expect like my entire set of china. I called the police, I called Jay to come home, and I called a dear friend that stayed on the line with me until the police showed up.

I won’t be attending the party. I replaced the televisions, laptops and pillowcases. There hasn’t been but maybe two times I went to put on a particular piece of jewelry and realized it wasn’t there anymore. But those pieces aren’t ones that can be re-bought at a party. Sometimes I think I should let go of some of the stubbornness that makes me dig in and say fine, I'll do without. I will and have...until I'm reminded again of what I should have but don't.

I can’t bring myself to buy any jewelry still.



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