Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Add eight

Sometimes I have to change things up. Sometimes I have to break from my routine, get outside my comfort zone and do something that is out of my norm.

I changed my hair appointment today.

What? That’s it?! That’s the big getting out of my comfort zone, breaking routine? I can almost hear you say...she is kidding, right? Nope. Not kidding. I have had a hair appointment every 7 weeks for two years. Yes, I believe that time frame is about right. It was about two years ago I decided I was going to stop using hair color.

It seemed that no matter the hair color I used, it no longer resembled any natural color to be found on the face of this earth. I don’t know why that was. I tried different brands and different shades but the un-reality of them all were obvious (to me anyway). That meant if I stopped, and even though I never strayed too far from my natural color, I was older. That meant when it grew out I would have dark hair with gray.

But who was I kidding by covering the gray with a color that only looked natural in the test labs of a company? A company that was in the business of selling you whatever you would allow them to make you believe. I didn’t believe that by covering my gray with an alien hair color that no one would know that I wasn’t older. It just made me look more, it made me seem more, more…alien.

So I stopped with the concession that I would have my hair cut and styled regularly – every 7 weeks. I found my hair grows at an alarmingly snails pace so the process took at least a year and a half where I sacrificed a lot of length but finally had it completely grown out. So now I have shinier, healthier, dark hair with gray, but I want my length back!

I mentioned it. Out loud. I was told to move my appointment out 8 weeks.
Eight? That much? It’s already been more than seven since I moved it out four already! Eight more? The answer was yes. I thought about it.

Then today I called and changed my hair appointment. I moved it to the third week in November. I changed it up. I broke the routine. I got out of my 7 week comfort zone.

(Sigh) I know. The making me seem alien had nothing to do with the hair color.



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