Monday, September 7, 2009

Good weekend

I have to say I have had a very good three day weekend. I have managed to run three miles, three mornings in a row. It will be something I will definitely miss tomorrow morning when I need to pack myself up and go back to work. It was such a good feeling to wake up and be able to get those miles in almost effortlessly. It was such a good feeling to be able to get it accomplished and for it to feel so good doing it. I will miss it tomorrow for sure.

I also have been able to get quite a few things done here at home. Housekeeping hasn’t been high on my priority list lately but I have to say things have gotten put a little more in order this weekend. I did all the laundry and the ironing. I know…that isn’t something that most people would qualify as a good weekend but I usually iron on a day I am off and in the late afternoon. It doesn’t take any brain power and it keeps me from fidgeting and I still get a really good feeling of getting something done. I also cleaned all the dirty spots off the staircase. I didn’t think that was going to be an easy task (maybe it wasn’t really) but it looks so much better and cleaner. It was well worth it. Dusting was done and there seemed to be so much of it!

We finally got our back door replaced and installed. Little and big things are getting done and it feels so much better. Now the exciting part - for me anyway -since this was the first project that should have been done ages ago. We have a carpenter coming in tomorrow to start work on the upstairs bathroom. We are finally going to get new tiles on the floor, a new cabinet vanity, mirror, sheetrock, ceiling and painting done. I know it might sound like an odd thing to be excited about but you have to understand that even when I am working up here I don’t use that bathroom. I always go back downstairs. This upstairs bathroom was what the boys used when they lived here and I wished they had taken it with them when they moved out. It was destroyed. Like I said, I don’t use that bathroom. So for us to finally get started on cleaning it up! It will make the entire upstairs so much more comfortable. It will look so much better. I have been so looking forward to it. So there was plenty of just regular life going on this weekend. It felt good to get these things done without too much pressure. Oh, and if you are wondering about chapter one…I worked almost two hours on getting my sketchy outline done. I have three days to get to actual writing but I feel better working on that part and for a fair amount of time with all that has been going on. I didn’t mention the light fixtures we are replacing. (I snuck up here but need to go back down to help)!

Did I say good weekend? Yes, I think I did because it was.



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