Saturday, September 19, 2009

Coffee calling

I woke up this morning thinking about the coffee. I knew it was too early on a Saturday to be getting up and out of bed but I could feel it's pull. It was too strong to resist so I didn't. I got up and made a wonderful aromatic pot and I ended up here.

Quiet, dark, too early on a Saturday for anyone to be around making any noise except keystrokes. Mine. Again. Can't seem to give up this time, no matter how hard I try.

I am looking over my recipe for my Deconstructed Black Forest Cake. I need to get a few things to get that going. I had forgotten what a great recipe this was. Truly, from the cake with it's butter, brown sugar, sour cream and 3/4 cups hot coffee, to the fudge pots with bittersweet chocolate and heavy cream to the dark cherries in reduced wine. Then there is more whipped heavy cream and to complete it all with a shot of kirsh. That's the way to end a meal.

I might want to swing by and see about picking up a few things. I was thinking a new shower curtain and towels for the upstairs bathroom. No. it isn't finished. There are still all those things to do but the carpenter keeps saying he will finish if not today then tomorrow. Maybe I should wait on those things to pick up until most things are in place. That might be a better idea. No use in having new things I can't use yet. I will wait on that.

I could click through a whole list of things for today but wouldn't want to bore. Oh, what?

Yeah, I know, too late.



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