Saturday, June 18, 2011

Where's the bright side?

My package I was expecting didn't come in the mail today as estimated.  I fully expected it to be in my mailbox today and it wasn't.  I didn't realize how very disappointed I would truly be about it, but I was very disappointed.  Shame on me for putting so much stock on an item.  It bummed me out the rest of the day.  Then my Internet went down for 3 hours right about 3:00pm this afternoon and just recently came back four hours later.  I went to the grocery to get just a few items in order to make a good comforting pot roast for dinner and when I got back the beef I was going to use had been put into the freezer.  I wouldn't have enough time to defrost it in order to prepare it tonight.
Now I have no package that I have been anticipating all week, I have not done the research I was hoping to do on-line and I have nothing prepared for dinner.  Three strikes and you're out, right?
Bright side, bright side...give me a minute to think - what is the bright side?
I got to say hello to a friend?  I almost finished another book?  I've got a bottle of wine I was going to use for the roast?  But there's no roast tonight and still a bottle of wine?  And I always use wine good enough to drink in my cooking, so it might be time to uncork it and pour a glass? 
That must be it or all of the above.  Besides, my package will probably arrive Monday, my internet is now working fine and I have everything for a nice comforting meal of pot roast for another day.  Well, I will have everything except a nice bottle of wine.
I'm pouring my bright side right now.


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