Monday, June 13, 2011

Box tops

There is nothing like ordering something on-line.  It's like being a kid and sending off your cereal box tops to redeem the prize on the back of the box.  It was always exciting.  Saving the box tops themselves, then cutting out the order form and putting it into an envelope to mail.  Then waiting 6-8 weeks for that item to arrive in your mail box.  As a few weeks past you would become more anxious, checking the mail, asking everyone in the house if it had arrived yet.  No, not yet...
I am having that kind of experience at the moment.  I ordered something on-line on Friday after lunch.  No problem.  I knew it would take about a week to get here since I didn't opt for the super-duper pay through-the-nose shipping but went with the "I can wait a week" free offer.  I didn't realize they wouldn't ship it at all that day.  Nor would they ship it on the weekend.  I just checked and the notice I got was this:
Shipment 1 of 1
Shipping Soon
I believe that means it is still sitting on whatever shelf they had it on when I ordered it on Friday after lunch.  That's okay.  I can wait it out.  It isn't like I was expecting it before the end of the week.  It is just that anxious moment like when we were kids.  It's because we can go out and track exactly what is going on with our items that we ordered the way we do now-a-days in real time.  It's just the newer version of waiting for the prize in the mail we used to do when we were kids.
I know it has to ship soon.  I mean, not only can I track the shipment but I also know they already cashed in my box tops.


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