Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Get out there

Why aren't I outside?  I should be, I think, instead of sitting upstairs hitting a keyboard while trying to steal glances outside the window I'm facing.  I was stealing glances outside until I realized the light coming in is making an odd reflection of my fingers moving across the keys reflected in the screen of my laptop.  It's acting like a mirror as words superimpose themselves across the page.  No really.  With the light coming in the way it is right at this moment I can actually see my fingers bouncing up and over and I am amusing myself by trying to keep going so I can type and watch all at the same time.
But really.. no matter how amusing this is there is some wonderful sunshine going why am I inside?   6:07 pm
Certainly not my best effort but simply not my worst.  Actually, the fact that I didn't remain glued to my chair in the air conditioned comfort and pulled myself away for this short jog outside can be counted as a good effort.  Whew.  I don't need to catch my breath as much as I need to cool down several degrees.  It was splendid.  The rain this morning cooled the afternoon down by more than 10 degrees and if you don't think that is much than think about going from 103 yesterday to 89 today.  Not bad running weather this afternoon.  And you wonder why I would consider getting up at 4:30 am to put in a run.  Even at that early hour it's still averaging 76-79 degrees but hey!  I can't really run in 103 degrees.  That was awesome. 


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