Saturday, June 4, 2011

Shaken, not stirred

Confidence shaken, not stirred.
I let myself get taken down a notch by my own devices.  I wrote up some short fiction pieces, put them up to read and then tried to tear them apart instead of allowing them to be what they were.  They were impromptu ideas, written quickly.  I learned something from each of them even if they weren't all good and even if they were.  I let the idea that they might not have been up to any standard bring me down.
I can't even tell you what that standard might have been, except that I didn't think I had met it.
The scenarios (as I have called them) were supposed to be just another tool, another exercise.  If I had let them be just that none of the internal struggling would have thrown it's net over me.  But I let it.  I took a good few days trying to push my fingers through the holes between the net to escape instead of throwing it off over my head.  Nothing was holding it over me except myself.  I had stirred it all up.
So I am back to reality.  I wrote a couple of short pieces.  If you are going to read any of them, please read:, Man in Bed dated Friday, May 27th.  Just because.
I could just as easily say this or that one.  I could easily explain what I got out of each one from a more technical aspect and not about content.  When I separated the possible reader reaction from what my take-away was from each piece I was able to throw off my net of doubt.
Reaction is subjective.  One person that really likes my sugar cookies don't particularly like my chocolate cookies but there are feelings just as strong the other way around.  I can't stop making both.  It seems to be the same with my writing.  I can't stop doing it one way or the other but I need to do both or all.  I tried narrative over dialogue, show don't tell, three talking together instead of two, characters thinking, the reader knowing what is coming before the characters realize it and surprising the reader with a twist. 
So it took a few days but I overcame my own stumbling block.  I was a little shaken when I shouldn't have been stirred.
Now I think I have gotten my confidence back and it feels good to have it where it should be.  Maybe I just needed a drink.   


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