Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Palm trees in NYC?

I had talked not too long ago about a stage play I had been in a million years ago.  The reason I remembered it was because it is currently on Broadway and so I went out and re-read the script and wrote a piece here called Act Two talking about it.  The reason I am bringing it up again is that a friend of mine was recently in New York.  When he got back I asked about the trip.  Was it great! What about the food!  Did you see any shows?  He gave me a quick run down of the good time he and his family had and said he wanted to send me a picture.  Okay.  He didn't tell me exactly what it was except that it was taken in New York.
I didn't get a picture right away but a few days later I received one.  It was a shot of some beautiful water at a beach area with a palm tree.  Hmmm.  I sent a note back and said...I don't think this is NYC.
Sure enough.  I got another picture saying no...sorry about that...different vacation.
Here is the picture I was orginally meant to receive.
Photo taken and courtesy of Alejandro Jorge
Do you believe this?  This is the show in NYC that is currently running that I was in a million years ago (except not in NY).  He told me he was walking along in the city, looked up and saw the sign.  He remembered me, pulled out his camera and took the shot.  I wasn't the character in the photo but another, younger, Cecily Cardew and ...well... it was a million years ago.  But not this photo!  This was taken recently...like a week ago.
I have to thank my friend who took the picture.  And for sending it to me...Thank you Alejandro!
And about that picture with the palm tree...you sure take some great vacations!


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