Saturday, May 21, 2011

Weather report

The weather had become oppressive.  The sky was coated with a gray metal armor granting no access to penetration.  There were surrounding shadows of darker gray patterned across various areas of the faintest rose.  It was as if a cheek and palms were trying to push through the darkened barrier, squeezed up against the glass wall the sky had become.  It prevented the air from moving and what was trapped below had turned thick and suffocating.  The moisture that dripped randomly only mocked the relief that would have come if only the sky would open up and release its liquid bounty.
It wouldn’t happen.  It would continue to repress its riches and afflict the morning with strong gray guards standing firm against any change.  There would be no relief this day, at least not this morning. 

Man…is it ever humid out this morning!  Too bad it won’t actually rain.


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