Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Along with the long three-day weekend I was able to get out and run those three days.  I managed to rip myself out of bed this morning to have a fourth.  I don't want to talk it up too much since I haven't been very consistent latey but it was feeling good.  I don't particularly like to run that early, before having to go to work, but here I am done with a run, showered and that makes four runs in a row.  It's not too bad a way to end May.
I have another scenario in mind.  It popped into my head when I was trying to think of a cooking show I had seen but couldn't recall the name.  I remembered later that it was the four coursemen, having to do with the different entrees they made for a dinner party.  I kept thinking the four horsemen (of course - that was their play on words).  So now my next scenario has to spring from the idea of The Four Horsemen.  Great.
Four runs, four horsemen...What am I thinking?


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