Friday, May 20, 2011

Plans or lack of

No matter how long this week originally seemed to be, here it is Friday.  In just a few more hours it will be officially my weekend.  I say that like I have some grand plans that I have been looking forward to.  The fact is I don't have a single thing planned.  But then, for me, that is always a good plan.
Oh yeah, sure, there are always things that need to be done, that I have in the back of my mind I should do, routine things.  But I don't have anything as far as something definite that would take me away from those routine things type of plan.  The definite, take me away things, don't seem to happen until I'm in the middle of doing them.
I guess I don't plan those.  They spring to mind as my off-days unfurl.  I might think slightly ahead but not so much.  It works more along the lines of the things I need to do, the things I want to do, the things I feel like doing get a good swirl in my head.  I get to pick and choose from those.  Or if someone calls and decides it might be good for me to do something else I can easily shift gears and do that instead. 
So I have a few hours before I can call it an official weekend.
Have any plans?


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