Sunday, May 8, 2011

Old traditions

I woke up this morning to live music.  I was just about to get up when I heard the classic Mexican song Las Mañanitas.  I wasn't sure at first if someone was playing it from a CD so I quickly got myself up and opened the front door.  It was coming from the neighbors house and I could hear it clearly now.  It was a group of mariachi's serenading the mother of the house next door!
I have heard of this tradition.  I have been around mariachi's quite a bit.  I know quite a few traditional songs that they would sing and, of course, everyone would recognize their black with silver enhanced suits.  I have seen and heard them sing at weddings and outdoor parties many times.  I had heard of the tradition of the early morning Mother's Day serenade by these small bands of musicians but never came so close to it actually happening.
Until this morning.  There they were, right next door for me to hear.  It was so much of something I grew up with.  Then today it happened when I was least thinking about it.  And it was so up close and personal...on the right day at the right time.  It takes me so far back.  How could the day start any better?  Who would have expected an early serenade on such a beautiful morning?  Even if it wasn't exactly for me, but in a way it was and it feels really good.
The neighbors are departing now, I'm sure to re-group for the rest of their Mother's Day preparations.  I should go about what I was going to do before the music started.  Something that would never fit into the old traditions that started way back when. 
This mom is going for a run.


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