Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Cry baby

I have been off from work since last Thursday taking vacation time.  I will be going back tomorrow.  It is the end of my planned time off.  I have to say that I could get very used to not going in to work every day.  I haven't given work a single thought except about how much I would rather not be doing it. 
It isn't that I don't have a good job, a good boss, interesting people to work with and shall I go on about all the positives I have going for me there?  Good salary, pleasant surroundings, close to home, fair don't really want to hear this, I know.  Especially since all I want to do is not show up.
But that has nothing really to do with the job but everything to do with the fact that I am in a place where I would rather do other things all day.  Doesn't everyone want to do other things all day?  Doesn't everyone get to a place when they are at work when there are so many things to do that are outside of work, or that you can't do at work, but would rather be getting them done instead of being at work?
I would so rather be doing all the things I can't do at work right about now...or right about tomorrow actually - about the time I will be at work.
But enough complaining.  I not only have a really good job but I planned this time off where I would only have to work two days this week.  That will give me about enough time to catch up and then have a weekend to look forward to.  So I guess I shouldn't be complaining at all...except that I can, so I did.
I have to go back to work tomorrow.  I don't wanna.


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