Tuesday, May 24, 2011

More or less

I started reading one of my posts about music.  At least I thought it was about music.  I had started out talking about music but then I made my way into running.  It was about music that I ended up running to.  But then I stopped listening to the music I was running to when the device malfunctioned and I fell.  So it was about music and running and falling.
It wasn't too much about falling.  Not as much as music or running.  I only fell the once...in that post.  I've fallen more but that wasn't what it was mostly about.  So then I stopped reading my post and clicked the next blog on the nav bar to see what other blogs I could read.  Guess what the next blog was about.
It was about running.  But no falling.  Then the next one and the next one after that and the next one after that was about running.  All these bloggers had a theme and a topic and if you went there you knew you would read something about running. 
Not so much like mine.  Where you might think you are reading something about music but it turns into running or falling.  Or sometimes refurbishing footstools, or baking or the weather or writing or being foolish and admitting it.  There's more.  I write about all that and more than that.  I think sometimes I should write about less.
Maybe I should just write less.  Or read less or run less or bake less.
Do I have to pick one?  If I do, maybe I should just fall less.


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