Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A phone by any other name

I let my cell phone spend last night on my desk at work.  I guess I was in such a hurry to pack up my gear at quitting time that I left it there.  It wasn't until I was home and went searching through my oversized purse that I realized I had left it.  I made a good hard effort to find it in my purse.  First I search by peering into it and using my hand to rummage through all the contents and pockets.  When I couldn't find it that way I proceeded to remove each and every item it contained until it was almost entirely empty.  Needless to say, the cell phone wasn't there and I knew I had left it on my desk at work.  I knew that before I started to search the purse but that was something I just had to do since leaving my phone was something I would never do and I had.
It wasn't that big a deal.  I didn't expect any calls and it was more trouble than it would be worth to drive back to work to get it.  I didn't really need it.
Then I realized when I was turning in for the night that I was missing my cell phone.  No.  I hadn't forgotten I left it and decided that not having it would be fine.  I realized I use my cell phone as my alarm clock.  Oh bother.  Luckily, I have a regular clock on my nightstand that is also an alarm.  I set that for the time I usually have my cell phone alarm set and went to bed.
I woke up on my own the next morning, an hour late.  I had set the alarm clock but failed to set the button so the alarm would go off.  Cripes. 
I managed to get to work and my cell phone was waiting for me on my desk.  It was fine and still charged but I noticed something.
The cell phone alarm had gone off as usual.  It had rung at the exact time I had set it for when it was too early for anyone to (thankfully) be around.  I'm not sure what the moral of the story is supposed to be but, maybe, I guess, I don't know. Maybe a phone should just be a phone.


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