Thursday, February 24, 2011

Wondrous scent

The company I work for recently decided to install toasters into each of our respective break rooms.  I'm not sure how they arrived at the decision that toasters were something we needed right now.  I'm not sure.  Maybe someone in procurement had an itchy shopping finger from holding back on use with all the recent economic downfalls and thought this could be passed off as an employee benefit and not argue the frivolousness of the purchase.  Whatever the reason, we now have shiny, stainless steel, four slot, commercial grade toasters for all to use.  I haven't given them much thought (or use) since they arrived.
Then one regular morning I was on my way to fill my cup with coffee before heading back to my desk to start the work day.  I pulled the door to the break room open and walked in.  I make this trip routinely every day, more than once and wasn't expecting it to be any different from any other day.  This day wasn't the same.  As I walked through the doorway, just stepping into the room, I was surrounded by the most heavenly scent imaginable.
Now there have been times that I have walked into this room closer to a lunch hour and had a conglomeration of scents accost me from different lunches and microwaved entrees without a second thought.  I have had my nostrils aggravated by the combinations of opposing spices being warmed simultaneously but not meant to be eaten together.  But this time it was earlier than the lunch hour and these were not scents that prompted me to stop breathing while I entered.  This was something inviting.  This was something that made me stretch my neck and lift my head to reach the thread of warmth that was being emitted from somewhere, where, in that room.
I tried to follow the scent but soon realized there was nothing left to show of the exact product that had left it's glorious scent behind.  I was left with only a clue but not the answer to what had evoked this beginning of a gnawing in my stomach and desire to fill myself with the item that had caused a salivating hunger to start growing in my belly.   I am not usually affected by food scents while at work.  I am known to be able to sit beside an entire chocolate sheet cake or assorted sweet goodies without a single taste or nod of acknowledgement that it is even there.  (I think that is why people always put their goodies close to me - they figure it's safe because I won't eat them).  But this unexpected aroma had perked me up.  This had left me wanting.
But it was gone and there was left no trace except the lingering fragrance.  I got my coffee and went back to my desk.
It may have been a few days later that I had the same experience again.  I walked into the break room unexpectedly, smelled the delicious aroma, found no trace and left again not knowing what or who had tempted me this way.  I had thoughts of walking in at the exact moment to be able to catch the person that had transformed the normal room into a boutique bakery.  I thought I might start pleasant chatter with the person in order to move closer and spy the product that was emitting the wondrous smells.  I thought...I thought.
I may never know what exactly that person may have slipped into that fancy toaster.  It's been a few weeks since my last experience and I know I will have to accept the fact that I may never encounter that same occurance again.
Well...then...I guess...
I could always bring in my own bread.  I mean, really.  Anyone can operate a toaster.  But it isn't the same as walking in and having that whiff of pleasure already prepared.
Bread.  What can I say?  Chocolate cake and sweet goodies left by the wayside in preference for the fragrance of warm, toasted bread.
Procurement has no idea what they have done to me.


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