Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I need to be at work extra early today so I am privileged to see our temperature is about 19 degrees and the wind is howling like a coyote hoping it will scare away the stinging cold.
I'm pretending not to notice.  Maybe if I pretend it isn't there it will all go away and leave me alone.  Then I can go on with other things.
I have plenty to keep myself occupied at work and I leave early for a dental appointment.  I'll be glad to get home before the next wave of miserable weather sweeps it way in.  This is one time I am definitely working toward the weekend because the forecast promises much better weather by then.
I don't like the idea of skimming over the first few days in February but it isn't my choice now, is it?  I can't change the weather.  I'll enjoy my short(er) day at work and be home with time to write a little more.
It's not sounding so bad anymore.  Pretending might be the way to go.
NEWS ALERTSources are saying that both rodents agree...Staten Island Chuck and Pennsylvania's Punxutawney Phil did NOT see their shadows this morning meaning it will be an early spring!
Nothing like continuing to's the way to go.  Or did I hear that they both came out and froze to death.


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